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Auteur(s): Auteur Inconnu

ISBN : 8-83461-42210-5
Numéro de produit Gatineau : V0D434
Numéro de produit St-Hyacinthe : DVDE59
Sujet : DVD pour enfants
Collection : Amis et Héros

Nombre de pages : 0
Langue : Français

Dimensions : 13.500cm X19.000cm X1.500cm0.150kg

Inventaire: En stock

1899 $



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In Episode 20

Aid and Comfort, Toadie has a fever and only Macky can get the medicine that will save him, but will he? After hearing the retelling of the story of Elisha and Naaman, Macky accepts that even an enemy should be helped. While Toadie suffers crazy dreams during a fever on his sickbed, Macky makes the perilous trip to the Roman camp, only to find that little Antonius is now ill too. Lucius tells how Jesus healed a sick woman to bring hope to them all, Macky hands over the precious medicine - and hopes he is in time to cure both Toadie and Antonius.

In Episode 21

Hostages, after hearing Macky's retelling of the story of Herod and the Wise Men, Portia hatches a plan which could force her uncle and the Romans to allow Jerusalem's children to escape the besieged city. Despite her efforts, the children don't want to leave the city. As Tiberius and the Roman army prepare to attack, Macky tells the children about the Boy Samuel and Eli, to help them make this difficult decision.

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