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Auteur(s): Auteur Inconnu

ISBN : 0-53939-68962-4
Numéro de produit Gatineau : V0D036
Numéro de produit St-Hyacinthe : DVD003
Sujet : Films chrétiens (DVD)
Collection : The Bible Collection

Nombre de pages : 0
Langue : Anglais

Dimensions : 13.500cm X19.000cm X1.500cm0.150kg

Inventaire: En stock

2199 $




A prince of Egypt. A man of God.

DVD Sous-titres français seulement

A powerful actor plays a legendary role.

Faith in God. Escape from slavery. The two great themes from the Old Testament book of Exodus are given thrilling new life in the recreation of how Moses led the children of Israel from bondage in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land.

Academy Award winner Ben Kingsley il Moses and Frank Langella, David Suchet and Christohper Lee portray other powerful Biblical figures in this monumental production. All the glory and spectacle are here : Moses' childhood in Pharaoh's court, God's voice from the burning bush, the dreadful plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, the granting of the Ten Commandments and the long-awaited return to Canaan. Share the journey - and rekindle your sense of wonder.

Languages : English and Espagnol - Subtitles : English, Français et Espagnol

182 min.

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