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Auteur(s): Auteur Inconnu

ISBN : 0-53939-689922
Numéro de produit Gatineau : V0D033
Numéro de produit St-Hyacinthe : DVD001
Sujet : Films chrétiens (DVD)
Collection : The Bible Collection

Nombre de pages : 0
Langue : Anglais

Dimensions : 13.500cm X19.000cm X1.500cm0.150kg

Inventaire: En stock

2199 $




DVD Sous-titres français seulement

The Bible's power and glory shines in Abraham

Go away from your father's house to a land I will show you. Make a great nation. And I will bless all those who bless you and curse all those who curse you. A humble shepherd named Abraham hears these words from God and embarks on an epic journey to the Promised Land. With his family and a handful of followers, Abraham faces thirst, famine, war the might of Pharaoh and his own doubts to become the father of three great religions.

Languages : English and Espagnol

Subtitles : English Français et Espagnol

187 min.

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